Falling for the fall
Jayne Nottage
I wonder if it is an age thing being the ripe old age of…hmm…am I 32 or 33…never been too good at remembering my age! Anyway ….growing up my preferred season has always been the summer. Just the sun beating through the curtains from 5am, paddling pools in the garden, sausages on a bbq, sound of lawn mowers, hanging your washing on the line, swimming in the sea BUT this year I have completely fallen for the fall! Particularly the colours of the trees, the majestic reds, oranges and golds creating a magnificent natural carpet.
Having three little people means getting out and about to take family photos when the light is perfect, or stumbling across a stunning view is somewhat challenging. This autumn on the school run each day the sun beating through the canopy of colours teased the photography lover inside and made me desperate to get some shots in the woods. Life had been busy, so thought this year it just may not be, but wonderfully when having a week away from Canterbury we had a fabulous walk in the woods. Sadly there was no autumn sun and there weren't many leaves left on the trees but oh it was stunning! The kids adored the need for wellies, and were quickly picking up the compulsory stick and weaving in and out the trees, and I was in my element joyfully following closely behind with my camera.
Taking photos of my family is where my desire to ‘go pro’ has come from and lifestyle photography enables me to capture the essence of the people I love. Just watching them wander freely through the woods, rather than trying to manufacture the perfect picture, just letting children be children, be muddy, be adventurous, be cheeky, meant I managed to capture some shots that I will look back on for years to come (and probably feature in the personalised family calendar for 2016!)
* family photography * outdoor photography *